That's great!
Posts by Faded
It's official: JW celeb Nicolas King publicly out
by neat blue dog inafter years of speculation, jw movie star & chorus member nicolas king, who ironically starred as the bad guy espousing homosexuality in a jw movie, has coupled up with his performing partner and also performed in a church for pride month.. .
Nicholas King at a gay bar
by neat blue dog inseriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
I think the man just came out on Instagram.
Watchtower Spies and Secret Agents
by TerryWalstrom ini'm posting this link: you start reading it you won't be able to stop.fascinating and well-documented citations which give credibility to the belief that such a sneaky, underhanded, and often illegal practice has been secretly promoted for decades by watchtower society world headquarters..
There is so much information on that site, but the racism of the editor is obvious. At no time does the editor describe the color of the person they are reporting on except when they're writing about a black individual. The rest of the stories have no such description. The people written about could be Caucasian, middle eastern, Hispanic, Asian, etc. They never say. But they always have to identify when the person they are writing about as African American. Once you notice it, it stands out every time you see it. I don't even know why they do it. It's like they can't help themselves from drawing attention to the person race.
6-BOEs-Just Arrived!
by Atlantis in2018-03-31-general data protection regulation in seldom worked territories and reminders for personal data sheet!.
Thank you Atlantis. I appreciate you doing the research. Those last letters are quite interesting.
Zeb's Memorial Experience
by HiddlesWife ini just saw zeb's ("i'm worldly") video entitled: "black mass mayhem" a few minutes ago.
no doubt this was what he experienced at a memorial he attended last night. .
Reddit has an interesting thread about the merits of the hall crashing. The poster has a great list of his/her perceived benefits. They say in part
I used to think crashing meetings was pointless. Now I feel it’s a fantastic and courageous act. Here’s why:
It disrupts the so-called “sacredness” of the meeting. That supposed special feeling everyone has? Ruined. Especially at the Memorial. The cultlike trance everyone is in is broken. The so-called “love” and “unity” is being called for what it is, a cult that practices shunning of family members. You can see the absolute shock on people’s faces as they hear about shunning and pedophiles being protected.
The elders are shown as really powerless. Someone stands up at the meeting and starts talking. The elders tell them to stop and they don’t! Where is the Holy Spirit when you need it! Those holier than thou elders can’t do anything except tell them to leave. Ha ha ha! No back room meetings, they can’t use their supposed authority on them. Then when they threaten to cal the police the crasher says, “then why don’t you call the police on pedophiles? This is hugely embarrassing for the elders.
Everyone talks about it later. I read all day today on social media about one of the crashes at the Memorial. That’s all the Witnesses were talking about. Last year so many of our “Facebook friends” in our area were posting photos of the Memorial. But yesterday a crasher spoke up at a local Memorial and today NO ONE from that Hall posted photos. All they are talking about online is how someone disrupted their Memorial.
The young people in the audience may feel empowered. So many young people are on this forum feeing alone and powerless. Their parents lord it over them. Then they suddenly see someone standing up and speaking out! It can be done! Someone can actually stand up to the organization.
Some may actually hear the content of what the crasher is saying and look it up. Witnesses live in a bubble and usually never hear about shunning or the two-Witness rule or the ARC. Suddenly it’s blasted out loud. as well. Some may look it up, especially those already with doubts.
The #metoo movement and the Parkland shooting survivors are showing that activism is being taken more seriously. This is not thirty years ago. People are speaking up about injustices all over the place.
They are not interrupting to talk about doctrine. They don’t mention 1914, the overlapping generation, 607, none of that. They are talking about shunning family. They are taking about Witness suicides. They are taking about pedophiles in the congregation. It’s absolutely shocking and stunning to watch the faces of the audience in those videos. These are the issues the organization is facing now
The full post can be found at
I didn't see much value in hall crashes but these are all good points.
6-BOEs-Just Arrived!
by Atlantis in2018-03-31-general data protection regulation in seldom worked territories and reminders for personal data sheet!.
Atlantis -
Is there a chance you have letters sent to Body's of Elders to address the hall crashing &/or cart crashing situation. I'm sure they've addressed it. I'd love to know what they say.
Funny News From My Old Congragation - Elder Fight!
by pale.emperor ini haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
We've all got stories to tell about our years in the org. The unique, wierd, funny, quirky, etc. P.E. just happens to be a better story tell than than a lot of us.
P.E. - please keep going. I love these stories.
Pillowgate makes headlines in Finland
by Festus inlocal newspaper in finland has published an article concerning wtbs:s "pillowgate@ videos.
the local "communications manager" of jehovah's witnesses - veikko leinonen - has declined to comment them.
according to him they are for internal use only.
Unbelievable. In addition to the "the material was for internal use only" response, the spokesperson states that the video is chopped up and edited to misrepresent them. Umm it's chopped up with critic & rebuttal to comply wth copy write laws and avoid having his channel taken down.
Absolute spin doctors.
I've Disassociated. It's getting announced tomorrow.
by Heathen Dan inthis is my first post to this site, im pale.emperor's brother:).
first of all, i've left being a jw in june.
since then my family have tried to convince me it's "the truth" and force me to go back even though it's my own decision.
Hi & Welcome! Many of us feel we know you already through your brother.
We are very happy you've found your way on here and away from the cult.
I know the shunning is going to be hard. And all this talk of suing, losing carers, etc, has to be worrying. Please keep us up to date and let us know if you need advice, etc. -
Upvoting & Downvoting
by Faded inis it possible for us to change our like or dislike once cast?
i have accidentally hit the dislike button by mistake more than once.
and then today, i completely agreed with someones first few sentences of a post.
Is it possible for us to change our like or dislike once cast? I have accidentally hit the dislike button by mistake more than once. And then today, I completely agreed with someones first few sentences of a post. I hit the like button as I kept reading and then realised the last bit was crazy. But I can't change it.
I realize likes really don't mean anything & are not important. But some people take them seriously.